Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nana Trish was up at O Dark Thirty this morning going to my stress test. I had the kind where you have nuclear IV injections and due to my asthma and arthritis I can't do the treadmill so they gave me a specific drug to raise my heartbeat. Not much fun. Strange feeling. Then I got set up with my heart monitor and I will have it on for a month. As I walked out the door of the cardiologist right before my eyes was a wonderful set up of knock-off purses and jewelry. I felt like it might be a sign for me. I got me a cute little purse and headed for the parking deck. I want to thank all of you that have been praying for me. The Lord helped me through it and I believe He will watch over me as we go forward.
NANA TRISH just chillin'


steviewren said...

You passed the test! Yahoo! I know you are glad it's over. I hope you get some good answers and feel better soon.

I like the picture of you chillin!

MuseSwings said...

Good for you! Passed the test. You must have studied for it! :-)

Erica Hanks said...

A purse!! Yay!! Just what every girl needs after a yucky test!

God's Girl said...

I love your cute pictures to illustrate your point....
Praying all goes well with your tests!


Maggie May said...

Have to have a little present to yourself to compensate for the ordeal. Sounds a nice little purse. (We would probably call it a bag.)

Glad the test is over & done with & that you passed!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

So glad you passed your test! And got a cute purse to boot! Will be praying that your month with the monitor goes well.

P.S. Thank you for your very sweet comment yesterday--it was so encouraging!

Devoted said...

Hip, hip hooray!!! You got through the day!!! I firmly believe a "sale" is always a sign for me! LOL...consider me added to the prayer list. I pray when the cardiologist looks over the months monitor results, he/she will say "all normal." Have a fantastic weekend. In His grip ~Theresa :-D

Barb said...

Hi Nana Trish,

That is a very strange feeling when they inject that "stuff" into the IV.
I am so glad you made it through that. God will see you through the rest. You are loved very much by your blogger friends and by your God. One day at a time.

lots of hugs,

Dustye said...

Trish I hope this little note finds you on the mend and doing better. The old saying, if you have your health you have everything. Boy is that the truth. When I turned 50 my health turned south! Sorry I was away so long friend. But I'm having surgery on the 27th so I will be out of commission for a few weeks. No worries though...Take care my friend. Hey I'm going to go me a new purse today!!!

Anita said...

Add me to those praying for you. I know those tests can be rough. A whole month to wear a heart monitor, whoa, that's a long time...I wore one once for 24 hours! Yes, I'll be praying for you.

Judy said...

You deserved a prize after that. Hopefully you will soon be feeling good as new!

sandy said...

Well you were up way too early, liked the way you phrased that and hope all goes well over the next month wearing that thing...

cute pics today....

May all your results come out perfect.

Sparky said...

Gosh, what a trial for you! I just know you'll get good results at the end. Y'all are in our prayers for sure, but even if we forget to pray, GOD NEVER FORGETS US and cares. Be well soon. We'll be anxiously waiting to hear good things for you. ♥ ∞

Strider said...

Glad things went well. Getting "older" is sure fun isn't it? Oh well....the good news is that this is not the end, but just the beginning. That is great news to me. Take care and have a great weekend. Strider

Ruthie said...

I hope you feel better soon and that your tests all turn out fine.
Prayers for you continue.

Indian Lake Papa said...

Praying for you - stay healthy so we can eat some "good" food on the 1st of December! Anxious to meet Nana.

a woman who is said...

Phewww I am glad that is over for you. I hate dealing with doctors and medical stuff. We have been dealing with a billion medical issues here lately too...

You take care and have a cozy snuggled in weekend.

Watch Wives and Daughters if you haven't seen it. A great epic! I just saw someone else posting about it…great Jane Austiny type movie.

Knitting Mania said...

Glad to hear you got through the test Trish...hang in there...the Lord is watching over you.

Glad your chilling, so am I, it's been a very busy 2 weeks, hey did ya notice Dustye posted the other day, hee-haw!!

Take care...

Maree said...

Hi sweety!! Stopped in say hidy!!

Prayers and Blessings!!