Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Recovering Workaholic

Mark as I saw him a few years ago
Here's Papa (Mark) and Avery at the Berry Farm
This is my husband and my granddaughter. We went to a farm up in the northern part of South Carolina with some friends and we had a great day. We mined for gems, picked blueberries, and ate some wonderful ice cream. As you can probably tell from the picture, they are crazy about each other. Mark has never had children of his own and Avery has been in our life since she was born. I used to think people were exaggerating when they talked about grandchildren and the intense amount of pleasure they bring. I was wrong.
I sketched the picture of Mark some years back when his hair was longer. I have pondered and pondered putting any of my work on my site. It is like a huge deal because it's as though I am showing something so personal. I realize sharing pictures of your family and especially, my granddaughter is quite personal. But my art is somehow this deep part of me that doesn't seem real most of the time. I want to do more and I struggle with taking the time to do it. I have art supplies up the wazoo and I keep telling myself I will get back to them when the time is right.
I want to tell my bloggy friends that I want the time to be right and I want it to be now. I have been working on making changes this past month. I have not been working 10-12 hours a day. I have been taking more time to relax and perhaps this is what is I am preparing to do...get back into something creative.
Being a recovering workaholic is challenging. I must talk to myself a lot about the fact that everything will be fine and working crazy hours doesn't necessarily make things better. For those of you that can relate it is probably some type of pride thing mixed in with an identity deal.
I feel better now that I have this out in open. I want to do my art. It doesn't matter how good or how much, but I need to have this outlet again. Thank you for indulging me with this post.


Erica Hanks said...

Thanks for sharing! My husband is/was an artist and I love to look at his work. It has been many years since he's worked on it, but I hope he gets back to it someday.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

That is a sweet picture of "Papa" Mark and Avery!

Very nice drawing Nanatrish! You have talent and creating art will be a wonderful way to express your self and to keep learning and growing.

I was never a workaholic although I could have been as we were always asked to do double shifts or come in extra days. I always yearned to be with my family though, and I luckily didn't ned the extra money.

I'd say you deserve more relaxation and enjoyment in this stage of your life if you can do it, and making time for your art is a great way to start!

Pappy said...

Hello Nanatrish. Thanks for stopping by Pappy's earlier. Always nice to meet and greet new folks. I never know what's going to make the daily fare until after I've had my first cup of coffee. I have been retired for years now and I've found plenty to do to keep busy. You sound like you have broad interests, so it shouldn't be a difficult transition. Very comfortable blog. I'll look forward to more of your artwork when I return. Pappy

Lavinia said...

Nanatrish....wow! I just popped over here and I had to check if I was on the right blog...it looks so different...and then I saw Avery's beautiful face and I said..this *must* be it...but I still wasn't sure, so I left and came back another way and there it was, again...this snazzy new look....I must say, your blog is *really* coming along and I like the words you wrote at the top across your banner. ALso, I like the name of your blog, it is so full of optimism and joy.

I have never been one for workaholism, and while I do have artistic leanings, I can't draw worth a hill of beans. So that makes me admire people who can draw, and draw well, like Steviewren, and now I see, like *you!*..this is a very well rendered portrait!

I know what you mean about debating over whether to put certain *personal* things on your blog....I am like that too.

I am looking forward with anticipation to more of your artwork..

secondofwett said...

This really has nothing to do with your blog content...I came to you via 4entertainers...anyways, I thot it was neat that 7 years ago my husband and I became the proud grandparents of our very first grandchild, and we decided that we wanted to be called nana and papa....you don't see that very often anymore, so I was tickled to see it in your blog. BTW now we have 5 grandchildren and I'm thrilled when they call me nana!

Dustye said...

Nanatrish I too am a closest artist and I so understand how hard it is to put it out there. I'm now trying to find a watercolor instructor since I don't feel that I can oil paint anymore. To have that artistic release it feels so pure and clean. I hope to see more of your work in the future. You really are very good!

Talk to you later,

Betsy Brock said...

This is a beautiful drawing! I'm glad you decided to share!

Technonana said...

Thanks for sharing your art!! That's very special!!! Isn't being a grandparent just the best??
I have a friend who asked me why I didn't tell him just how great it was... I told him, you just can't understand it until you get there.
I'm glad you are RECOVERING, I have never been one of those, I guess I am just too laid back.
Love you girl!!

Barb said...

Thank you so much for sharing your art and life.

You have talent and life is too short not to be doing what you love. Keep it up. You have inspired me.


steviewren said...

Yes, yes spend more time being creative. Your work will get done and you will be relaxed and happy because you will be exercising other parts of the person God made you to be. I love your drawing. It is very good.

If you feel shy aboiut putting your work on your blog because you are afraid your work isn't good enough take a better look at mine. It is often messy and not very well executed, if I am really truthful with myself. But it is fun and it does make me happy. So come be artsy with me...and I will draw more and be happier too!

Unknown said...

Trish, when did you start this? I can't believe you didn't tell me you had started a blog! Or did you? Love ya...

Judy said...

Get out those art supplies and have fun...you've got the talent, Trish! Thanks for sharing...and hopefully we'll be seeing more of your artwork in the future!

Grandkids are just the best...there's no way to describe it.

a woman who is said...

Nana Trish, there is so much to catch up on in your blog, but this post caught my attention. I will come back and read more..they all sound so interesting.

But I must stop and say..YEAH!

I am so glad to hear about your determination to give in to the creative life flowing in you again. I am going through the same struggle. I know God has told me to paint again. I actually teach drawing lessons to kids, but to do something artistic just for me…it has been so hard. (By the way your picture is great. I love your easy graceful style)... for years I have not allowed myself time to draw or paint...what is up with that? But now I know for sure God has given me the Go sign. So what have I been waiting for? I have the same problem you do...giving myself permission. What has helped was I found other struggling artists that needed some company and companionship. So every Tuesday this summer I have opened up my home to these gals, and I have an art day. We all just paint...and relax. It has really helped me to get back in the flow and give myself permission to just do it. And I can tell it has really helped these girls too. We all look forward to this time set aside to paint.
I am praying for both of us on this one!

sandy said...

Your sketch is wonderful! I hope you do more art and post it.

Thanks for coming by my nature board.

I like your blog ~~~ will have to come back and look around some more.
