Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thank you, Barb from French Elements for such an awesome award. I love the bling-bling crown and it's fun, but truly, I'm not queen of much of anything. I am flattered. This is a difficult task because it's usually a lot easier to think of things that I'm not good at. I will try and list seven things that make me awe-summm!!!

1) I usually don't act my age. I hope that's a good thing.

2) I love helping people. That has gotten me in trouble at times.

3) I enjoy meeting new people and finding out all about them.

4) I am crazy about my daughter and granddaughter, Avery.

5) I get passionate about things that are important to me. That has gotten me in trouble also.

6) I love to encourage people. There's so much in this world to bring us down that I love to cheer others on.

7) I love my friends.

Okay, that was not easy. I will follow the rules and tag 3 people with this Awe summmm award! I love to get to know others better so here goes. This is difficult because I have so many bloggy friends that I could tag, but for now:

Steviewren at A little Birdie told me so

Janeen at ChaChaNeen

Julie at Julie King Art

Thanks again, Barb!


steviewren said...

Thank you Trish for thinking of me. Like you I will have to think about it pretty hard to come with seven things I think I do well.

I can tell from your answers that you are a awe-summm people person.

Maggie May said...

I like the seven things that make you awesome! Lovely assets.
I would love you to enlarge on the things that got you into trouble!

Betsy Brock said...

Trying to help others has gotten me in trouble, too! Think twice before trying to be a peacemaker!
Congrats, Trish, on this award! :)

Maree said...

I think you are the Queen of Nice!!

Congrats sweetie!

Sparky said...

Conrats to you and all your friends on the award! :o)

ChaChaneen said...

Hi Gorgeous! Wow, what a FUN award and you KNOW I lurve the crown, it's so me. ha ha This is really fun, I love these get to know games and when they come with awards, well... icing on the cake! Mmmm, cake sounds good right now. ha ha

Cheryl Nichols said...

I love your new Blog picture. Hope things are going well for you. My grandaughter has a rare disease so I have not been blogging much. I just thought I would take some time to catch up and maybe post later.Cheryl in Martinez

Barb said...

Hi Trish,

You are the Queen of many things awe-summm! Reading through your list, we have lots in common. Do you think we were separated at birth?

love ya,

Lavinia said...

Hi Nanatrish. Thanks for your kind comments on my post and so I popped over here to check out yours. The fact that doing the right thing has sometimes gotten you into trouble proves that you are willing to stick your neck out for what is right. I admire that!~

julie king said...

you're so sweet. thanks so much for thinking of me!! it really means a lot. and, thanks for all the kind comments you leave on my blog. they really do make my day!