Sunday, May 31, 2009

New Banner

This waterfall is not too far from our house in South Carolina. We pass by it to go to Avery's house and I have always loved the scene. Finally, Mark stopped on the bridge so I could snap a picture of it. It just all looks so peaceful to me and I think it would be great to have a house right by it.

This has been the best weekend. Friday night the three of us went to the drive-in and we saw UP. Then yesterday we went to a Chinese restaurant and afterwards Books-A-Million. Avery got some more of her Jim Benton books. She laughs and laughs when she reads them. Then last night we sat with her while she played some video games on Poptropica. It's a site her teacher showed the class. Then we watched some episodes of Gilligan's Island. Mark got the first season and we all enjoy them.

This has been a restful fun weekend. Some would think it was boring, but our gang thinks it's just great! I hope you have had a nice weekend. Back to work tomorrow!


Sparky said...

Sounds like y'all are having a wonderful weekend! Ours is nice too, just quiet, like usual. What or who is "UP"?
LOVE the new banner! I would keep that one for sure. :o)

Maggie May said...

No wonder you love that wonderful photo. However I wouldn't want to live near water. It has a horrible habit of creeping in!
Glad you had a great weekend. I have one more day off, but am babysitting! We have plans.......

Betsy Brock said...

That is a beautiful spot! I love something pretty like that, that you drive by often. We have a long windy road that has trees that form a tunnel. No matter the season, it is a beautiful spot in our driving routine. Your waterfall is like that!

Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Haven't seen an episode of Gilligans Island in years! That sounds like fun! ;)

Barb said...

What a beautiful spot and sounds alot like the kind of weekends I love....Barb

Anonymous said...

The banner pic is beautiful!

I wanna see Up so bad!

Dustye said...

It sounds like a great weekend to me! I love your picture, can't wait to get back there...dreading the drive though ugh! God Bless and have a great week...

a woman who is said...

Sounds altogether wonderful. The best part, you were together :)

steviewren said...

Your weekend sounds wonderfully relaxing to me. You are so blessed to be able to spend so much one on one time with Avery. I don't get to see my grands enough.

julie king said...

spending time with family is always the BEST kind of weekend! the waterfall is so lovely and good for mark that he stopped so you could take the photo. my hubbie is quite tolerant of those kinds of requests and i make them all the time!

ChaChaneen said...

THAT is a fun weekend! I wish I was there to laugh along side of you! I'll buy the popcorn and M&M's next time okay?!

And your picture... makes me think of Anne of Green Gables! Lurve it!

Tess Kincaid said...

Your banner pic is beautiful! You are lucky to have this scenic spot on one of your regular routes, Trish.

Barbara said...

I love the waterfall header.
Now Trish I remember when you first started blogging, encouraged yu if I remember rightly. However i cannot believe that as a year ago!