This is also a special day to me because 48 years ago today my daddy went to be with the Lord. He suffered for two years with colon cancer and back then medical technology was so far behind in this area. There were no colostomies, only 4 X 4 gauze with tape. Once diagnosed he was bedridden. Thank the Lord now people are able to get out and about and there are so many more treatments. My daddy was a great man to adopt me as a 51 year old. In addition, 51 was a lot older then. I know that may sound strange, but those of you boomers remember how our parents dressed old, acted old, and just acted so much older than a 51 year old now. He was too young for WWI and too old for WWII. He was an elevator operator in a fancy building those last years before he got sick. My daddy was a loving, funny man.
I received a neat award from Cynthia at Muse Swings. I love reading Cynthia's posts. She is hilarious and so very creative. I will be going to Italy with her next week and just can't wait. Drop by to see her. You will not regret it. She's a sweetie!
I would like to pass this on to Julie at Julie King Art. She has great posts and I believe you will love her art. I have truly Fallen for Her Blog.

I will pass this along to Pat at Mille Fiori Favori. We share the same name, Patricia and we have a lot in common. She's way up in New York and I'm down here in Georgia, but we are anxiously awaiting to see the arrival of her new grand baby. She loves the Lord and I always look forward to her posts. Drop over at take a peek!
Saying a prayer in your time of remembrance for your daddy. God bless! ~Theresa :-D
Well, congrats on your awards! Very much deserved! Nice to remember your dad here, too....48 years....that's a lifetime!
Hi Trish!
Thanks so much for this award and your sweet words! You are always so kind to think about me.
Your Dad sounds like a wonderful man, Trish.
My dad was 42 when he had me (I was the third child), and 51 when my little brother was born! My Mom was 11 years younger than my Dad. He married late because of WW2.
Hugs, Pat
Great hearing about your dad. My mom died of colon cancer 37 years ago...sure today they could have saved her..she's here in my heart always!
Colonoscopy city every 5 years!
Trish, your father must have been a very special man. You were lucky to have him. Congrats on your awards! Happy Wednesday too.
oh, thank you so much for thinking of me! you're the best!
thinking of you as you remember your dad.
Thanks for sharing about your dad. I miss mine also.
You are in my prayers friend!!!
Love the Awards.
Hi Nana Trish,
What a wonderful tribute to the Veterans and your Dad. You are right, with the technology they have today, people have more of a chance to pull through.
Thank you for your continuing prayers. God is good and He never lets us down.
Congrats on your well deserved awards. I will visit those blogs when I have the chance.
Hi Nana Trish,
I'm so happy you liked the award. You deserve it ... and more! Your blog is always so sweet and very entertaining. And thank you for the kind words. I am touched.
That's so sad your father has been gone for so long. My mother has been gone now for ... 42 years [I had to think about it, thus the hesitation]. I was only 10. I miss her often. I know you feel the same for your Dad.
I'm still getting ready for 'the trip' to Italy but I think y'all will enjoy my post. Hubby has helped and we've had so much enjoyment doing it. It's gonna be a fun 'trip'!
CYA in bloggy land pal! ♥ ∞
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