I was given this lovely award by Pat. She has a wonderful blog and you must visit her. She lives in Brooklyn and has tons of great posts on NYC. She takes great photographs and is getting ready for a little grand baby soon. She's a sweet positive person and I know you will enjoy her blog.
I want to pass this award on to some of my lovely lady friends. I have lots and had a hard time deciding, but some already have received the award. There are some rules and I'll pass it along.
You must choose 7 for the award, link the person that has given you the award and let them know by a comment.
1) Contentment Corner, it's God's Girl,a cutie with a sweet family, don't miss her.
2)Nikki at Three Girly Girlz, a busy mama of 3 little girls that does Christian speaking and has several true gifts.
3) Willow at Willow Manor, this is a sophisticated, educational and charming blog
4) Betsy at My Five Men, a warm friend that's always cooking yummy stuff and has a busy household.
5)Sherry at Edie Maries Attic, an artist that creates great things to decorate
6)Barb at The French Element, a sweetheart with a connection to Marie Antoinette
7)Teresa at Plum Water Cottage, another creative sister, fun blog
I have so many wonderful friends and it's hard to narrow it down. There will be more awards and I love so many and think they are Lovely Ladies too. This award is so pretty. I love the dress and would love to be able to sit around sometimes and chill. Go Marie! Of course, I do want to keep my head about it.
I wonder does anyone else feel like it's such an anti-climatic atmosphere out here. When will the market start getting more even? Now it's only weeks until Christmas and I must get my gift budget together. I want to make some gifts. Any suggestions?
You are so sweet! Thank you for thinking of me.
Thinking of Christmas already? Me too. I'm trying to get all my gifts wrapped by Thanksgiving. I better get a move on if I want to get done. : )
Have a wonderful day!
Congratulations Nanatrish! Well done for being awarded this lovely award....
Thank you! You are so sweet!! You totally made my day! And I NEEDED IT. Whew. =)
The christmas gifts idea...if you go on my blog and click on the sidebar to ValleyGirl, she has a unqiue twist for Christmas this year! Check it out you may find some ideas!
Thanks, Trish! I am so honored to receive this very lovely award from a very lovely lady!! :^)
Hi Trish!
Congrats on the award and thank you so much for thinking of me!! I'm honored to receive it and am so touched by your sweet words! I appreciate you so much and value your comments and opinion more than you know.
Avery's PB pie sure looked fabulous! Is she going to give out her recipe? I'd love to try making it sometime!!
Hugs, Sherry
Congrats on your lovely award!
I, too, am planning to make some of my Christmas gifts. But I don't really sew, so I think mine will mostly be food gifts. Things like spice blends, baking mixes...I'm still coming up with ideas. Love to hear yours, too!
Congratulations on your beautiful award! "The Marie Antoinette Award" sounds and is very elegant!
Congratulations on the award! You are a deserving recipient.
I've been thinking about making some gifts also. I better get myself in gear. I've got no ideas though. I guess I'm no help, am I?
That was me Trish -- i had to retype -- I'm glad you enjoyed the award! You deserve it!
Good for you! And thanks, too! :)
AWESOME! Congrats to my new found friend!! Blessings
Hi Nana Trish,
Thank you so much and congrats to you as well. You have made my day. I always enjoy my visits to your blog. It may take a little time for me to award the others but I promise I will.
Please say a little prayer for my precious MIL. I am trying to make arrangements for hubby to fly back to CO. to visit his mom again. I will be staying here to help my son. I wish I could be in 2 places at one time.
Many hugs,
I am passing along an award to you! Just stop by my blog and pick it up! I really enjoy your blog. God bless and have a great weekend!
Thank you so much! I'll be linking a post to you at the first of the week (or before if I finally solve my connection problem!)
Pretty award. Congrats! ♥ ∞
Stop by - I have an award for you - on Friday's post
i'm making a few aprons and personalized art pieces as gifts this year. it keeps me busy and helps not to think of the financial situation.
Trish, actually that picture was not family. Those were children murdered in the Holocaust. I see many parallels between those children and the million of unborn children murdered by abortion.
That second blog at Wordpress is gone. Just an experiment. It's a long story, so email me and I'll explain. But I did start a 2nd one on Blogger called A Mom and Her Books. Come visit!
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