I don't know about you, but I need to have a fun diversion and going to an affair where I can dress up and the gown will always fit is very comforting. I don't have to worry about how much things cost or running around shopping for just the right thing. It's all at my fingertips.
Don't forget to drop by tomorrow. It's guaranteed to take your mind off the market and put you in a dancing mood. Just go to Willow's blog tomorrow and you'll find comments from friends that are at the dance also. Until tomorrow..........
Yes, I agree...anything is possible in cyberspace! Even comfortable dancing shoes! :) See you there!
I love the fact that I can wear any size I want. Betsy will be there too! I can't wait to see everyone.
Well, it's after midnight, so it's officially October 1st and the Ball is well under way!! Can't wait to see you there!!
Willow x
Hey Nana Trish, I like what y ou have done to your blog spot; it is really gorgeous. I'm glad to be back too.
Have fun at the ball. Please send me a picture of you in your lovely gown and slippers.
Maybe I will stop by - if you have trouble recognizing me, I am the one that dances like Fred Astaire. You had better get in line quickly.
Hi Trish!
Just stopped in to say hidy!
Hope your day is good and all is well! You are in my prayers my friend!
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