Thursday, April 16, 2009


You wonder why I would title this post Upside Down World. Well, it's pretty simple. I feel like so many of the very basic things in our world are so different now. People that used to work in stores (department and otherwise) were friendly and seemed to have a knowledge about their products. I used to feel like if someone had a Bachelors or Masters degree they must have truly mastered some basic subjects, such as spelling, English, math,geography, etc. Now it seems like they are out there giving degrees if you can pay for it and have a warm body.

I have been going through some health issues. I haven't mentioned it on the blog because I just haven't. Tuesday I went to my doctor for more testing. I received a call this morning from the nurse saying that my electrolytes were all out of whack. She said my kidney function was really bad and that I needed to come in and do more tests. I go to the office and they took more blood and did a urinalysis (I know, TMI). Well, then the nurse told me that the doctor needed to talk to me. She tells me that she is referring me to a neurologist and that the lab called her just a few minutes before I arrived to tell her that they weren't sure if they had mixed up my blood with someone else or not. So she said it may have been my results, but then maybe not. So we had to have those blood tests today.

After work I dropped by the hairdresser's and got my hair trimmed a little. She started to tell me that she had a biopsy the first part of the week and then yesterday they called to tell her she has pancreatic cancer. Then she got a call to come into her doctor's office this morning and the doctor told her that the lab had mixed up the biopsies and she doesn't have pancreatic cancer, it was benign. She cried and was so upset that she didn't know what to do. Finally, she just realized that there isn't really much she can do.

This is why I feel like we are in the Upside Down World. If I didn't have the comfort and knowledge of the Lord I don't know what I would do. I am so weak, but He is so strong. No matter what I face He is there with me. Not having the knowledge of my salvation would have me feeling so helpless. His Word I trust.

I hope this doesn't sound too cynical, but I just needed to vent. I'll give you an update if that was really my blood results. Does this stuff happen to you more in the new century or is it just me?


Barb said...

I will be praying for you,let me know how you are doing....Barb

Sparky said...

I thought maybe you were just working hard and staying off the puter. You've been missed in bloggyland pal! :o) But, wow, you must feel like the week has been really yucky. I'm so sorry. I'll bet the lab just messed up and you're OK. It's happens. Please let us know the results, 'k? In the meantime you have our prayers.
God bless. :o)

sandy said...

Hope all turns out well ...and what an awful thing to happen to your hairdressed, but glad that turned out okay.

Anonymous said...

How on earth, in today's world of HIPA and everything, do they mix up files???

joy said...

Hi Trish,

Thanks for letting us know. We can hope for the best and know it is in the Lord's hands.


steviewren said...

Trish, I'm sorry you have this to deal with when you already don't feel your best. I hope they mind their p's and q's and get it right this time.

I decided a long time ago that we have to ask questions and be our own advocate...who has more invested in the outcome besides us?

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Trish, I hope it all turns out all right for you. Sometimes blood can break down in test tubes before it gets to the lab and then it gives the wrong results, so I'll be praying that your repeat test will be fine.

As Stevie said we all have to be our own advocates in this day and age.
{{{ Hugs}}}

Betsy Brock said...

Trish ~ hope you get the correct results and they can treat you easily. Big hugs to you! Keep us posted...we care about you!

I guess this is a good reminder that we all need to ask for a second opinion!

Maggie May said...

I am sorry you are going through the mill right now and hope that everything will be OK with your next test.
That is a terrible thing to have happened to your hairdresser and just imagine the other person who thinks she hasn't got cancer & now finds she has. It is unforgivable to mix up results but I am not surprised with the pace that everyone works at.
Please take it easy and prayers going up for you.

Anita said...

My prayers are with you.

Linda said...

AMEN! I agree. We are so blessed with great dr.'s (for my hubby and son.), however, mistakes can happen. (never with hubbys dr.)

Sending out prayers. I like your new background here etc. Very pretty. Blessings

Technonana said...

THIS IS MORE THAN UPSIDE DOWN, THIS IS CRAZY!! Do these people understand the pain that they put people in???? YOU NEED TO BE SURE BEFORE YOU GIVE SOMEONE THIS KIND OF NEWS!!
You are in my prayers Sweet Friend!

Judy said...

Praying with and for you...that all is well!

Ruthie said...

Oh I'm so glad you told us so we can pray for you. Whatever the results are - we know that God is in Control - and He will care for you.
Keep us posted.
I'll be praying for you, my friend.

a woman who is said...

Life does seem a swirl these days. I am praying for your health and a good report! May your weekend be filled with peace and rest.

Thanks for sharing, it is a good thing to get prayer support when we are in a bit of battle.

Praise God He is a strong tower, and we can run to Him and be safe!

MuseSwings said...

It doesn't sound at all cynical! So sorry you're not feeling well - I'll be praying. That poor lady getting such a scary call - she must feel reborn at this point - plus very irritated.

Betsy Brock said...

Checking in on you again! Let's us know any updates, Trish...still thinking about you!