Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I've Been Tagged

My friend, Maree, at the blog, At Home tagged me for 7 Random Things About Me. She is such a sweet person and has been very inspiring to me in many ways. Hop over and visit her. I hope this list doesn't bore you too much. If I have repeated myself from another time I am sorry. I have too much information in my brain and the older I get it just keeps filling up more and more and it's harder to retrieve information. Perhaps some of you can relate. Anyway, here goes.

1)I took 2 years of typing in high school. My mother drilled it into me..."If you know how to type you will always be able to get a job." She was right. Why didn't I listen to her when she said, "You can love a rich man just as easy as a poor man".

2)I have obsessed about my weight since the sixties. As an adult I have been a size 8 and since I share so much with my bloggy friends, I am currently a size 24. I have been up and down so many times. Yes, I'm tall 5'9, but at this weight, HELLO, I would need to be about 8' tall. As of last week I have been making better choices. Please hold me up in prayer about this temptation.

3)I love books. I worked in the public library in high school and I love to hang out in book stores. I love magazines and books. Hence, my multiple translations of the Bible, my favorite book.

4)I have absolutely loved purses/handbags since I was a tiny little girl. For some women they are just a necessity--to me they have always made me feel happy. I know....coo coo

5)I love the game Trivial Pursuit.

6) When I was a little girl I thought the words to a church song said, "Give me oil in my lamb keep me burning. Give me oil in my lamb I pray." I just could not figure out why you had to put oil in a lamb. It took me a while to figure out it was "lamp". Maybe because I didn't grow up with oil in lamps. Anywho...I felt goofy when I realized the true lyrics. See I share so much with you.

7)I got to watch my granddaughter, Avery, being born. Needless to say, that was one of the most exciting times of my life. She is a sweet girl and not just because I'm her Nana. I was so tired when I gave birth to my daughter I was truly goofy. 41 hours of labor. Tons of fun.

Now I tag the following:

1) Stevie Wren at A Little Bird told me so
2)Judy at My Front Porch
3)Indian Papa and Mama at Choices R Mine
4)Pat at Mille Fiori Favoriti
5)Betsy at My Five Men
6)Barb at The French Elements
7)Debby at Life's Funny Like That

These are just a few of my bloggy friends, but I would like to learn some more stuff about them. If you've read this far I hope you know that you are special to me and I enjoy reading all your posts too. later


Devoted said...

You are cracking me up tonight! I worked in the library in Junior High and High School. I was the vp of the library club. Now I am trying to get a library or a used book exchange started at our church. Have a great week!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I failed typing class much to my regret Trish. I still do the two finger thing - not fast at all! I know I should practice but that's not fun like reading blogs.

I've done the "7 random things" many times, but I'll try to think of something interesting if I can

Hugs, Pat

MuseSwings said...

I took typing in High School but have never been very good at it. Never wanted a job that required typing and managed to do just that until computers showed up. That's all we do these days! Love your random info!

Judy said...

Most interesting random facts...some I can relate to...some not so much! My typing isn't that great...but is now a necessity of life. We are much the same height though.

Okay...I'm IT. I'll think up some random things about myself one of these fine days.

Erica Hanks said...

I was just purse shopping an hour ago! I LOVE them! They ALWAYS fit!!

steviewren said...

I was so bad at typing in high school...what am I saying...I still backspace to correct mistakes almost as much as I go forward! I have a thing for purses too and I haven't bought a new one in over a year...and I have gotten the yen lately...I'm not sure if I'll be able to resist the impulse if I go near them while Christmas shopping! Thanks for wanting to know more about me...I'll put my thinking cap on and post in a couple of days. Loved reading your factoids.

Indian Lake Papa said...

I have been tagged - can I do it here?
1. I can copy morse code at about 30 words per minute.
2. I loaned my car one time to thee Tom Brokaw - newscaster.
3. We have lived in 6 states.
4. I love Sardines!
5. I know the books of the bible by memory.
6. I was raised on a pig farm.
7. I still ride horses very good!

How's that Nana ??!! LOL

Linda said...

I failed shorthand, and the way our preacher speaks, I sure need it, lolol. TY for the smiles this morning. Blessings

Anonymous said...

You did good making your 7 things interesting...I was the one who tagged Maree...LOL!! I can so relate on the purses, I love them, I'll blame my mama for that one. She loved them too and now my daughter loves them. My dad had me take two full years of typing, I was so glad he did...that is what helped me become a medical transcriptionist and as far as the weight goes....HELLO!!! I too struggle, am currently a 16 but long to be a 12 again so I too am making better choices. Hang in there and yes Maree is such an inspiration. You too really are a dear!


Barb said...

Hi Nana Trish,

How is your blue foot? Bless your heart.....
How wonderful you got to meet some blogging friends. They sound very special. What a wonderful couple!

I really did enjoy learning more about you my friend. I will play tag in a few days. Thank you so much for thinking of me.

hugs and more hugs,

Maree said...

Awesome Trish!! I wish your Mom had talked to my Mom about the typing thing....hard to make a living playing the piano or singing!!

This time next could be an 8 again...really!! 5'9" were skinny!!

Take baby steps...5-10 pounds at a's easier that way. I found the Bear Creek soup next to all the can soups.

Thanks for being such a good sport!!

Sparky said...

I enjoyed your 7 Random Things.

I've never struggled with weight gain until recent days. I've ballooned from a size 12 to a size 18! YIPES! I need to move away from the gravy at the table.

That's true about typing. That skill plus the gift of bookkeeping kept me gainfully employed most of my adult life. I was a Stat typist for many years and could type accurately over 74 wpm. Funny though, I failed shorthand. I wrote too slow! But now, my wrists sound like a cement mixer and the pain has slowed me down on the keyboard.

Old age is definately not for wimps. ♥ ∞

steviewren said...

Hey, I just read your foot was broken over on Sparky's blog. I thought it might be since it turned blue. How in the world have you been walking on it? Take care of yourself! I'm thinking of you.

Betsy Brock said...

Oh, these were fun to read! thanks for tagging me...I've done this tag a few can click on the 'me' in my label cloud to read all of my quirks! LOL