Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's getting closer to Christmas and I still haven't started my shopping. I don't know why I have the need to share that with you, but I just did. I think this picture taken in winter is so pretty. I love snow pictures. I have one in my office and it always makes me think of coming in out of the weather and getting all cozy and looking out the window at the white wonderfulness.

I just got back from church a little while ago. I sure needed to go. This has been a very challenging time and I needed the beautiful praise music and the message. Our lesson was on the angel coming to Mary to tell her she would give birth to the LORD. Something that really touched my heart was when the angel told her she would be giving birth and she said, "How will this be,"Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?" The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God............For nothing is impossible with God." Luke 1:34. This was a day that I needed to be reminded that absolutely nothing is impossible with God.

There have been so many things to pray about both with my friends and personally. I know He supplies all our needs, but sometimes things get overwhelming and I just have to be reminded of His power. This Christmas will be very different for many many people. I believe it will be a huge test for us, but hopefully it will get us to focus more on the reason we celebrate this holiday or holy day in the first place.

I have two more days of work this week and then Monday I will work from home. Then I will start my vacation. I need a break and I am so thankful for those days off. We had our Christmas party at work this afternoon and for Dirty Santa I got a $25. gasoline card. Very practical and appreciated. We had great food and lots of laughs.

I'm watching a sweet Christmas movie on Lifetime. I have recently discovered Lifetime. I would hear women at work talking about it, but I had never gotten into it. I love sappy feel good movies. I think enough all day long and I just need a break sometimes. Reading autopsies and medical charts all day is not exactly a mood lifter. I will be watching more Lifetime over my little break. Sounds like fun to me.

This probably sounds like lots of rambling, but it's just whats on my mind. Nite Nite.


ChaChaneen said...

I lurve your snow picture too... Fall and Winter are my favorite seasons! As for your shopping procrastination... ~ do any of us REALLY need anything? Probably not. I have a lot of wants but the older I get the more I appreciate the simple time spent together with family and friends... I get it now.

Sounds like your evening was well spent with your church family too! Nighty-nite!

steviewren said...

I agree with everything ChaChaneen said. I'm looking forward to being with family and friends. In the past couple of years I have been thinking that we won't have our parents with us much longer. We need to make the most of it. No one decorates like my mother. Christmas will never be the same when she is gone. I'm going to my old church Sunday night for the Christmas program and I'm looking forward to it. I know you are going to have a great time with Avery. I bet she will like those Lifetime movies too!

RNSANE said...

It's nice that you are getting a break. I don't even have a tree up this year...Christmas is minimal at our house - I'm still in the doldrums with retirement and the loss of my job of 21 years. My oldest son leaves in a couple of days to visit his dad in Orange County and my youngest leaves Christmas night for San Diego and his girlfriend's. My middle son invited me to his fiance's family's home in Sacramento but, honestly, I just feel like staying home!

Maggie May said...

Snow picture looks lovely. I really hope that snow stays on the picture though as I don't want it!

Nuts in May

Betsy Brock said...

I love your ramblings. :)

Beautiful snowy picture!

Sounds like you are going to do a 'work best under pressure', one-stop gift shopping day when your vacation starts! :)

May we never get over the miracle of Christ's birth!

Knitting Mania said...

Trish...I had to chuckle when you mentioned "Lifetime". I've been watching all the "Fa-la-la-la Lifetime" movies all week. Love those sapy Christmas movies...I always cry.

Glad your getting some time off to rest and enjoy your Christmas...


a woman who is said...

Yep right there with you and my sis watching the sappy lifetime movies. I have a day of wrapping to look forward to tomorrow, and I have several of those movies recorded to move me through my task :)

Have a lovely and wonderful Christmas and break1

Betsy Brock said...

Merry Christmas, Trish! You were a bright spot in my year! xxoo

steviewren said...

Merry Christmas Trish! I'm sure you've had a whirlwind of a week with all that shopping to do. Now, sit back and enjoy your family.