Dear Lord,
Thank you for another day. As the sun goes down and I think about all I was blessed with today I just had to stop and think of all your splendor. You made the beautiful pink and purple sunsets and it's hard for me to believe someone could look at such beauty and not believe in You. Thank you that I can see the sunsets. Love, Patti aka Trish aka Nana
I have been trying to make an effort to be more positive and thankful and it is really working. I had been getting in a habit of complaining, if not outloud so much, in my heart. I don't want to be a crabby old woman. I want to be a woman that people like to be around. If Christ lives in me, He should be shining through me.
When I think back about how many neat summers I've had, I am thankful. There were summers when I was a little girl in Indiana and we'd get up early in the morning when it was still dark. We'd carry all our supplies out to the old Nash and get ready to go while everyone else was sleeping. It was an exciting time. My mother would pack up some yummy food in wax paper and I'd take my books and off we'd go. The night before I'd helped my daddy catch 'nightcrawlers' or worms to those of you not into fishing. It's amazing that I could see those worms and grab them and put them in the bucket. I thought it was fun and he seemed so happy that I could catch so many.
It's funny how well over 50 years ago these snippets of my life have comforted me so much. What precious summer memories do you have?
i'm so glad you're back. i hope you had a nice respite from blogging. i find that we have much more control over our moods than we may think. being positive becomes easier as we practice it. my daughter taught me that.
summer memories i cherish are playing kick the can at twilight, sleeping overnight in the treehouse, and catching cat fish under the sycamore tree at the creek.
Trish, nice to have you back. I think everyone in the blog world has slowed their online activity down this summer. I know I have.
We have had wonderful weather with pleasant day and night time temps this since last Friday. I would love summers if everyday felt like this. When I was a kid, the neighborhood children played outside at night until our parents called us home. As a family we sat on our front porch at night and talked a lot. I miss playing jacks on the cool of the cement porch.
Hey your back!!!!!!!!!!
We have missed you very much. I just read your comment over on Dusty's page. Wouldn't it be great if we could all meet in Montana at Knitting Mania's place when she finally gets that place done. We would laugh our heads off, and all have matching wallets and be sisters!!!
All the summers seemed to be hot and endless when I was a child.
Quite different to the ones today.
You seem to be a very positive person. Everyone goes through their little times of troubles though, so be sure to be true to yourself.
Glad you are back and feeling more positive, although it is usually our feelings that trip us up. Walking by faith and not feelings breakes that awful condemnation.
Good word and noble effort my friend. It reminded me of Romans 1:21. Paul is recounting all the "sin" people have fallen into...and why? "They forgot to be thankful". Thanks again for the encouraging word. Strider
My friend I'm so glad your back and I know how thankful and blessed you are. We're both blessed by meeting each other and that will happen again my friend. God's watching over you and remember "JESUS", that's all it takes.
love ya girl!
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