Monday, January 26, 2009

This is a chilly night in Georgia and I thought I would share my thoughts on a few things. Is it my imagination or has the world turned upside down for a while? We see so much corruption in the world and it doesn't really seem like a whole lot of people care that much. People are losing jobs at an alarming rate. Things that used to be secure have fallen apart. What do people do that don't believe in the Lord? We have a Redeemer and He will take care of us.

That was my serious thoughts and now I will share something light. Avery started cheer leading for her school basketball teams Saturday and it was adorable. Watching little 4 and 5 year olds play organized basketball was so funny. They are adorable. They want to just run down the court and make the basket. They are not into dribbling that much or following the rules. They are so cute. They play three different age groups and they are too funny. I loved it. I don't remember when I have laughed that much. I needed that. The kids, boys and girls, were playing and getting great exercise. They are learning to be on a team and learning to follow directions.

Why can't we all learn to be on a team and follow directions? Maybe some of us never learn.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Trish

The world does seems to be too much with us these days doesn't it? You are so right that faith helps us in all times but especially hard times. I know so many people who have been laid off their jobs and are afraid they can't find another one. A very worrisome time right now in America!

I bet Avery looked so cute and those children were so adorable playing basketball! It's so much fun to watch children at play.

Have a good week!

Hugs, Pat

ChaChaneen said...

I couldn't agree with you more. The words in the book of Daniel are ringing alarming loud in our time. Those that don't have God are dying~ literally, so we must be Jesus with skin on. Sometimes we(how we live our lives) are the only bible they read.

And how ad-or-ab-le is that to spend the afternoon laughing and making memories! Love it!

Sparky said...

Hi Nana Trish,
The world shall always be topsy turvy, I'm afraid. As a historian, I could site many cases of just these events and more. You're right ... believe in Christ and we'll be taken care of. Battles come and go. "This too shall pass ..." ;o)
It is fun to watch kids be kids. I could be wrong but I don't care to burden children with unnecessary worry. I hope that Avery is not concerned and feels happy about the future. It will get better again.
God bless ya sister in Christ. Stay warm ~ ♥ ∞

steviewren said...

Things are getting scary in my estimation too Trish. I saw on the 10 pm news that son #2's employer laid off thousands of people today. I jumped up and called him to see if he still has a job. Good news, he does.

The state of our country concerns me too. I am reminded of Israel during the times of the Judges. God said they did what was right in their own eyes. That sounds like America doesn't it?

a woman who is said...

Why can't we all learn to be on a team and follow directions?

I am feeling the same sentiments here friend. I am so glad you have your sweet Avery to put such a smile on your face, and joy in your heart.

Maggie May said...

I do understand what you mean and often feel the same as you.
All we can do is trust that the Lord will help us, whatever befalls.
The bad things seem to be happening to every one. I think we need to look at Revelation.

Your Avery is such a lovely child.... she will have great fun with the cheer leading!

Debby said...

Tim has lost his job. It is suddenly not all that certain that I'll be called back to mine in the spring due to budget cuts. The uncertainty of cancer. Nana, I have to tell you that despite an overwhelming number of changes in our lives, we make it, week by week. If you ask us how it happens, we could not tell you. If you ask God how it happens, I bet he'd know.

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Found you by way of Betsy. I have enjoyed reading and would also like to find Marees Blog(Lose Weight) but have been unable to find it. The link did not have anything current. Jackie

Linda said...

AMEN!!! I can't think to say anything more than what was already said!! BLESSINGS DEAR FRIEND!

Lavinia said...

Nana, you've struck a nerve with what is going on in the world today. Good post! My feeling is that if the people of the world were more concerned with making deposits in the bank of Jesus, they would be secure and rich beyond their wildest dreams. And you know I mean rich in the true sense of the word. True riches, not the kind that lose value, decay, rust, burn, disintegrate, are stolen, or fall away.

MuseSwings said...

I'm on your team, Trish!!!!

BYW there's a missing gem and a reward at my place - do you have it??? huh? huh?

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I believe "something" happened in our country when the stock market crashed.

It has the feel of change just as we had after 9/11.

I don't know how people who aren't looking to the Lord can get through these days.

Barb said...

Hi Trish,

The Lord has "our back". We all just need to remember that. We have never seen times like this, we have been fortunate as a country. I just keep praying and trusting.

Avery is a doll. I bet she had so much fun.

love ya,

Unknown said...

Oh, you see it? It's like the end of the world. Though, as my father-in-law says, every generation has its own set of monumental problems to overcome and thinks exactly the same thing. But this time I think it really is. God is coming soon, to be sure!

Betsy Brock said...

It does seem a bit blue lately, doesn't it! Just keep counting your blessing. :)

I bet Avery is adorable as a cheerleader! How fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi Trish,
I'm not blogging anymore but I still like to follow up with some of you. Good for you on the weight loss. It sounds like you have found a rhythm. Keep up the good work and yes Maree is one inspiring lady!!

I am soooo glad to know that I have a Savior who NEVER changes. Amen!


Blicky Kitty said...

Hehe you know what I think? I think people who don't have faith sometimes end up believing in weird things because they don't have a faith to ground them. The people I don't who I REALLY wish I could bring to church with me believe in conspiracy theories and aliens.

One of the wealthier members of our church told our pastor "I wish I had given the church all that money I lost in the stock market."

I guess things check out over here. I didn't find any gemstones in the joint.

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Trish!

You have to do what I'm going to do, if you fall off the wagon get up, dust yourself off and get right back on! That's the only way we can reach our goals. 20lbs is so awesome girl! You've got to make that extra effort with me, we can do it together!!
We can do ALL things through Christ Jesus!

Big hugs, Sherry

Strider said...

Maybe we are heading into the time where right is wrong and wrong is right. I agree....what hope do peope have without the Lord? Men's hearts will surely fail!

julie king said...

faith is all-sustaining.

i think avery is just the cutest girl. and, i'm thinking that her personality is just as sweet as her looks.

i remember when my kids first played t-ball. matt would sit in the outfield during play and look for bugs in the dirt or lay back and watch the clouds. megan practiced her cartwheels and tap dances. it was too, too cute.

Devoted said...

Isn't it comforting to know that no matter how crazy this world get our God is in control? I too, like you, wonder how people manage disasters with out the help of the Holy Spirit.

Now to basketball... our second grade grandson, Hunter, is playing basketball and it is truly funny. Right now they are in first place. Wednesday he plans to write a blog about getting elbowed in the eye by the ref and how the Lord helped him make a tree point shot to win a game.

God bless you, sister. I have truly missed visiting with you while I've been away the past couple of weeks.